Wednesday, October 29, 2014

30 Days of Protein and Moisutre: Final Results

For the month of October I set a goal to maintain my hair's protein/moisture balance (or elasticity) by using both a protein and a moisturizing conditioner with every wash. This month flew by and I am honestly glad that it is over because I am dying to institute a new challenge!

Challenge Results
  • Elasticity is still perfect! (i.e. hair does not stretch too far or snap when pulled)
  • Hair is stronger
  • Hair is softer
  • Drastic reduction in split ends
  • Drastic reduction in breakage/shed hairs (left in brush/comb)
The last result came as a great surprise to me because I honestly did not expect to see a change in the amount of hair I lost while combing/brushing/manipulating my strands. Another added bonus is the fact that I feel extremely confident about my upcoming relaxer; knowing that my hair is at such an optimal level of strength from the additional protein treatments gives me a sense of relief in knowing that my hair can withstand the harsh chemical process.

I used a number of different protein/moisturizing conditioners and shampoos throughout this challenge and that was honestly the best part: trying out (buying :-) new products and figuring out which protein/moisture combinations yielded the best results. My goal is to not only retain length and reach my length goals, but to reach an optimal level of healthy hair as well. I would also REALLY love to color my hair by Spring (if not before then), so I am doing everything I can to ensure the process will leave me with a head of healthy hair should I decide to take that leap.

Moving forward I will continue to use  both protein and moisturizing conditioners on my wash days, and I will continue to monitor the condition of my strands to ensure that I remain proactive rather than reactive in the prevention of setbacks.

What were the results of your Protein/Moisture Challenge?

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