I hate bunning. With a passion. The style is so...style-less to me and I always feel so plain and well, dusty when I am wearing a bun. For me buns are reserved for that last week of my relaxer stretch when my new growth is simply too unmanageable & my go-to styles just won't lay right, but desperate times call for desperate measures & in an effort to reach longer lengths by Summer I am instituting a Spring Wet Bun Challenge.
Before I ever heard the phrases "hair journey" & "protective styling" I was rocking wet buns out of sheer laziness. I literally wore a bun my entire Sophomore year of undergrad (hence the reason I disdain them now) and my hair was just past MBL before I cut it into a Bob as a means of forcing myself to style it. Since that practice worked so well I have decided to give it another shot in the hopes of retaining a few inches that I can proudly flaunt this Summer.
What is Wet Bunning?
Wet bunning is simply taking damp hair that has been freshly washed, conditioned, moisturized and sealed & securing it into a bun.
The Benefits of Wet Bunning
Wet bunning decreases manipulation which in turn decreases breakage. This decrease in breakage should lead to length retention & the meeting of length goals. The bun secures the ends of your strands keeping them from exposure & damage. Hiding your ends aids in moisture retention as they are not exposed to drying elements such as wind, sun and the harsh fabric of your clothing.
Challenge Rules:
- Keeping your current regimen or following the Summer Regimen for Damaged Hair regimen, once your hair is washed, conditioned, detangled, and leave-ins are applied secure your strands into a bun of your choosing (i.e. high bun, low bun, side bun, braided bun, etc.).
- Loosen bun nightly and apply a silk scarf to edges to maintain smoothness. Moisturize & seal as usual before applying either a plastic cap to ends (baggy method) or a satin bonnet.
- To stimulate growth massage scalp with an oil of your choosing 3Xs each week.
- Select one week of each month to wear strands free (for sanity purposes) but style must be low manipulation/ little-to-no heat (i.e. twist out, braid out, bantu knot out, roller set, flex rod set, roller wrap, etc.)
- Challenge will run from April 1, 2015 - June 21, 2015.
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