Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Wet Bun Challenge

I hate bunning. With a passion. The style is to me and I always feel so plain and well, dusty when I am wearing a bun. For me buns are reserved for that last week of my relaxer stretch when my new growth is simply too unmanageable & my go-to styles just won't lay right, but desperate times call for desperate measures & in an effort to reach longer lengths by Summer I am instituting a Spring Wet Bun Challenge. 

Before I ever heard the phrases "hair journey" & "protective styling" I was rocking wet buns  out of sheer laziness. I literally wore a bun my entire Sophomore year of undergrad (hence the reason I disdain them now) and my hair was just past MBL before I cut it into a Bob as a means of forcing myself to style it. Since that practice worked so well I have decided to give it another shot in the hopes of retaining a few inches that I can proudly flaunt this Summer.

What is Wet Bunning?
Wet bunning is simply taking damp hair that has been freshly washed, conditioned, moisturized and sealed & securing it into a bun. 

The Benefits of Wet Bunning
Wet bunning decreases manipulation which in turn decreases breakage. This decrease in breakage should lead to length retention & the meeting of length goals. The bun secures the ends of your strands keeping them from exposure & damage. Hiding your ends aids in moisture retention as they are not exposed to drying elements such as wind, sun and the harsh fabric of your clothing.

Challenge Rules:
  1. Keeping your current regimen or following the Summer Regimen for Damaged Hair regimen,  once your hair is washed, conditioned, detangled, and leave-ins are applied secure your strands into a bun of your choosing (i.e. high bun, low bun, side bun, braided bun, etc.).
  2. Loosen bun nightly and apply a silk scarf to edges to maintain smoothness. Moisturize & seal as usual before applying either a plastic cap to ends (baggy method) or a satin bonnet.
  3. To stimulate growth massage scalp with an oil of your choosing 3Xs each week.
  4. Select one week of each month to wear strands free (for sanity purposes) but style must be low manipulation/ little-to-no heat (i.e. twist out, braid out, bantu knot out, roller set, flex rod set, roller wrap, etc.)
  5. Challenge will run from April 1, 2015 - June 21, 2015.

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