Re-Evaluating & Revising My Regimen
Every few months I like to take a look at my current hair regimen and evaluate what does and does not work. I set a new goal in terms of length then look at the state of my tresses along with outside factors that may affect my ability to care for my tresses properly, and map out the best path to achieving my goal. This process has helped me transition from BSL to MBL and I will use that same evaluation process to guide me in my quest towards WL hair.
Evaluate What Does & Does Not Work
Last Fall I set a goal to achieve MBL by Winter, but I also wanted to reduce the number of split ends I was seeing and maintain a balance between the level of strength and moisture within my strands. To achieve my length I issued a series of hair challenges geared at stimulating growth and increasing my chances of retaining length. In short I did the following:
- Daily scalp massages & weekly inversions
- Washed and deep conditioned my strands twice per week
- Used both protein and moisture conditioners with every wash
- Protective styled consistently
- Used direct heat sparingly
- Stretched relaxers to 16 weeks
Of those practices listed above the only elements that proved unsuccessful were consistent protective styling and stretching my relaxers to 16 weeks. I found that bunning is not a practice I care to participate in and stretching my relaxers past 14 weeks typically means disaster in the form on shedding, dryness and extreme tangles.
How Have Life Events Affected Your Time?
As much as I would love to dedicate two days each week to washing and deep conditioning my hair and using both a protein and moisture conditioner with every wash I just do not have the time right now. The practice worked wonders on my tresses and I attribute those double DC sessions to the lack of split ends and breakage I experienced last Fall but moving forward I am looking for other ways to retain moisture and keep my protein/moisture balance in check.
How Healthy Are Your Tresses Overall?
I saw my stylist yesterday after more than a year of caring for my hair on my own. She indicated that my hair was strong and healthy overall, but she was concerned about the slight breakage I have and the inconsistent texture from self- relaxing. She commented that my ends looked well and although I was mentally prepared for the possibility of needing at least 2 inches of length removed it turned out only about 1/2 inch was necessary.
Make Adjustments
Now that I have reviewed my previous regimen, set my new goal, evaluated the current state of my strands to know the areas where improvement is needed, and taken into account life circumstances I am ready to make the necessary adjustments to my regimen.
Have you evaluated your hair regimen lately?
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