Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Signs You're Overdue for a Trim

If you are a licensed "kitchen beautician" like me you opt for occasional 'baby' or 'light' trims rather than thorough trims 2- 3 times per year. This light dusting can actually do more harm than good and lead to bigger issues (i.e. breakage) down the line, which is why I have an appointment this Saturday with my stylist for a professional trim. 

I want to give my hair a fresh start this year and eliminate any scraggly or worn ends I have been holding on to in an effort to save length. Although my hair is healthy overall I am starting to notice the following tell-tell signs that I am in need of real trim.

Split Ends 

I can count on one hand the number of times I have used heat in the past six months, I moisturize and seal daily and keep my protein-moisture balance in check; yet I still see split ends. It seems these dreaded splits cannot be avoided no matter how much I pamper my tresses.

Bent/Knotted Ends 

I have noticed a number of SSKs appearing at the ends of my strands - and here I thought I left them behind once I went back to relaxing. Although this may be attributed to wearing my hair in flex-rod sets I have noticed some bending in my ends as well.

Last Trim More than 6 Months Ago

I lightly dusted my ends about 8 weeks ago when I self relaxed, but I have not had a professional or "real" trim (meaning more than 1/4 inch removed) in over 1 year.

Uneven Layers

Part your hair down the center and braid each side (if you can), do both braids fall at the same point on your body? If not you are due for a trim.

Little Hairs on the Sink/Floor

Last night and this morning after moisturizing and sealing my strands I noticed a small collection of strands pooled on my bathroom floor. Each strand looked about 1/2 inch in length and there were at least 10 little hairs.

We can take the best care possible of our tresses but overtime our strands become worn no matter how well we treat them. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms you may be overdue for a good trim.

When was your last trim?

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